Yoga for Mom and Baby
Whether this is your first child or your tenth, you have begun a marvelous and joyous journey. It is more difficult and more wonderful than anything else you could possibly do.
Yoga for Mom and Baby is a celebration of motherhood. It will provide you with a wonderful yoga practice that is both invigorating and relaxing, while incorporating your baby into every pose.
If begun while your infant is small, you will grow stronger as your child grows bigger and more active, and it will not be difficult to continue to practice with and adapt to your baby as she grows. If begun when your baby is a bit older, a bit more patience will be required with both your baby, and your own strength. But be patient, for the rewards of practicing yoga together are great.
There are two audio track options on this DVD. One is a soft piano track, soothing for your baby. One is a more upbeat track, to help you on the days that you feel the need for a boost.
Every new mother knows the desire to get back into shape, and the discouragement of lessened time to spend on doing so. Yoga for mom and baby allows you to strengthen and tone your body, while never neglecting your baby. This practice focuses on bringing you peace, as well as toning and reshaping the parts of your body that have changed during pregnancy. There is a focus on the abdominal muscles, as well as poses that clear the mind.
You will draw closer to your baby, while becoming more at peace with yourself. By practicing yoga with your baby, your own mind will begin to understand how your baby fits into all aspects of your life. Just as your yoga poses will now change somewhat to include your baby, your life will change, as well. But just as this yoga practice is incredibly rewarding, so your life will be as you learn to incorporate your child into every aspect of your life. This practice is only the beginning!
Congratulations on the miracle of the birth of your baby! Enjoy this yoga practice, created just for the two of you.
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